The no-code test automation platform

Rainforest’s all-in-one platform is intuitive and no-code, so anyone can quickly create and maintain automated tests for web apps without any training.

Plus, tests intelligently self-heal using AI, saving you even more time on maintenance.

Talk to us

Love how easy it is to create Rainforest tests. Saves a ton of time and gives us a lot more confidence that what we are shipping is not causing any regressions.

Dathan Wong

Dathan Wong

Software Engineer at Supermove

A better approach to test automation

Rainforest’s proprietary test automation was built from the ground up to allow your entire SaaS software team to operate with speed and peace of mind.

Anyone can automate

Rainforest’s automated test scripts are in plain English, so anyone can write, update, or interpret them in the intuitive interface.

Test the actual user experience

Unlike solutions that only test the behind-the-scenes browser code, Rainforest’s automation evaluates and interacts with the visual layer of your app’s UI, just like your users do.

Not limited to the browser

Test anything that appears on a Windows or Mac virtual machine — not just what appears in the browser window.

See how it works in less than 60 seconds

Save hours of test maintenance preview video

AI saves you from false alarms and mindless busywork

Rainforest’s deep integration of AI helps avoid false-positive test failures and minimizes the time you have to spend on annoying test maintenance.

Reliably locates app elements

Rainforest automatically uses several different identifiers to locate elements in your app, including screenshots, DOM selectors, and AI-generated descriptions. A change in one won’t break your tests.

Self-healing test scripts

When you make intended changes to your app, Rainforest’s AI can automatically update — or “heal” — the relevant test steps, saving you the effort.

Better judgment via machine learning

If a visual change in your app is too small for a human tester to notice or care about, Rainforest will ignore it. (A strict matching mode is available.)

It's easy to write tests, extremely easy to review test failures and very low maintenance.

Nikolaos Kallikakis

Nikolaos Kallikakis

Engineering Manager at RenoFi

Talk to an expert about AI-accelerated testing

Includes all the tooling and infrastructure you need

Rainforest is an all-in-one QA platform — it includes everything you need for the entire automated testing workflow.

No-code test automation

Rainforest automation is both intuitive and no-code, so you or your Test Manager can quickly create and maintain automated tests, keeping your release pipeline moving.

Testing infrastructure

All tests are executed on our cloud of virtual machines, which feature multiple versions of Windows, macOS, and popular browsers.

Test Management

Organize and run your tests by feature, tag, or other filters. See test version and run histories.

Parallel execution

Run dozens or even hundreds of tests at the same time. On average, customers get test suite results in just 4 minutes.

Generative AI

Rainforest’s AI detects intended changes to your app and automatically updates your tests, handling a chunk of test maintenance.

Detailed test results

Get AI-generated explanations of test failures, repro steps, video recordings, HTTP logs, browser logs, and more debugging insights.

Integrates into your workflows

Integrate with your CI/CD via direct integrations or our API or CLI. Get test status notifications via email, Slack, or Teams, and send issues directly to Jira.

Explore Integrations

Rainforest QA allows us to rapidly develop and execute automated tests so we can release with speed, quality, and confidence.

Adam Toro

Adam Toro

VP Engineering at Haku

Find out how Rainforest can help your team ship with speed and confidence

Get answers to your questions. Explore pricing. And get a demo from a Rainforest expert.

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